Webinar Recordings from our four-part series: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: The Reality of ESG Claims.

Part 1 - Fight the Good Fight: ESG Pressure Points from the Trenches to Policy and Decision-Makers

I 2pm – 2:05pm: Introduction.
I 2:05pm – 2:25pm: Johannes WESEMANN: Pain points and solutions in developing environmental claims: combining the strategic and result-oriented approach from the private sector and the NGO’s mission.
I 2:25pm – 2:45pm: Zora LYRA: “The role of the G”: How securities law and regulation are connecting with the ESG framework.
I 2:45pm – 3:05pm: Andreas HÖSLI: From Paris to Court Rooms and Board Rooms – the Why’s and How’s of Corporate Climate Litigation. I 3:05pm – 3:15pm: Q&A.

Part 2 - It’s Not Easy Being Green: The Cost of Doing ESG Business

I 2pm – 2:05pm: Introduction.
I 2:05pm – 2:25pm: Isabella KAMINSKI: Financial impact of ESG claims on corporates.
I 2:25pm – 2:45pm: Amanda NEIL: In-house considerations & concerns of ESG risks.
I 2:45pm – 3:05pm: Viren MASCARENHAS: US perspective on EU ESG Directive, audit rights, public interest litigation and anti-trust claims. I 3:05pm – 3:15pm: Q&A.

Part 3 - Climate Change and Investment Arbitration

I 2pm – 2:05pm: Introduction.
I 2:05pm – 2:25pm: Dr. Herfried WÖSS: Damages in climate change investment arbitration.
I 2:25pm – 2:45pm: Kiran N. GORE: The Right to Regulate and Potential ESG Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration. I 2:45pm – 3:05pm: Dr. A. Devin BRAY: Exploring ESG’s role in the shaping of general principles of international law.
I 3:05pm – 3:15pm: Q&A.

Part - 4 Climate Change and Commercial Arbitration

I 2pm – 2:05pm: Introduction.
I 2:05pm – 2:25pm: Kevin O’GORMAN: The role of international arbitration in the adjudication of historic mass claims.
I 2:25pm – 2:45pm: Nathalie ALLEN: Why international commercial arbitration is perhaps not the best vehicle for climate change related disputes.I 2:45pm – 3:05pm: Patrick THIEFFRY: Possible adaptations of commercial arbitration for climate disputes resolution.
I 3:05pm – 3:15pm: Q&A.

Webinar Recordings from day 1 of the ESG in EU-Related Supply Chains.

Recording 1

Keynote speech: Annette Magnusson Co-Founder Climate Change Counsel

Recording 2

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive –
Jillian Kirn I Adolf Peter

Recording 3

Overview on the European Green Deal and the EU Climate Pact –
Carmen Marqués Ruiz

Recording 4

The Sanctions Mechanism of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive –
Markus P. Beham

Recording 5

GHG emissions reductions, the Hague district court decision and Shell – the environmental component of ESG –
Leonardo Sempertegui

Recording 6

Supply chain-related due diligence and third-party verifications –
Els van Poucke

Recording 7

Contractually binding ESG-related supplier codes of conduct, con- tractual cascading and ESG-related contractual clauses –
Harald Sippel

Recording 8

ESG claims from a funder’s perspective –
Simon Knupfer I Lucas Macedo

Webinar Recordings from day 2 of the ESG in EU-Related Supply Chains.

Recording 1

ESG-related damage claims in international commercial – applicable law –
Herfried Wöss

Recording 2

ESG-related supply chain arbitrations – Consolidations and joinders –
Adolf Peter I Alice Fremuth-Wolf

Recording 3

Specifics regarding arbitration agreements involving Chinese parties (including sino-foreign joint venture companies and wholly foreign-owned companies incorporated in China) in EU-related supply chains –
Xu Guojian I Adolf Peter I Alice Meissner

Recording 4

The Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the EU/New Zealand Trade Agreement dated 30 June 2022 –
Adolf Peter

Recording 5

Investment arbitration: ESG-related damage claims, the relationship between ESG and investment protection and the role of climate change-related obligations (Paris Agreement) in investment arbitration –
Herfried Wöss I Nikos Lavranos

Recording 6

Challenges and financing of administrative (public) claims relating to ESG/sustainability matters –
Michaela Krömer I Alice Fremuth-Wolf