by admin | Jun 28, 2023 | Noticias, Publicaciones
¡No pierda la oportunidad de armarse con los últimos conocimientos sobre ESG en las cadenas de suministro relacionadas con la UE! Nuestros seminarios web realizados recientemente, organizados por Wöss & Partners y Nivalion NG con expertos invitados, abordan todo,...
by admin | Jun 28, 2023 | News, Publications
Don’t miss out on an opportunity to arm yourself with the latest insights on ESG in EU-related supply chains! Our recently held webinars, hosted by Wöss & Partners and Nivalion NG with guest experts, tackle everything from upcoming EU law and contractual...
by admin | May 28, 2023 | News, Noticias, Publicaciones, Publications
I. INTRODUCTION This article discusses damages analysis for the interruption of the income stream in income generating assets or investments due to breach of contract or the violation of an international legal standard (international tort), in commercial and...
by admin | Mar 22, 2023 | News, Noticias, Publicaciones
Kluwer Arbitration Blog conference report: click on Wolters Kluwer logo
by admin | Feb 3, 2023 | News, Noticias
I am delighted to provide you with the updated programme of the Nivalion AG-Wöss & Partners intensive webinar on #ESG and #EU-related #supplychains. The webinar will take place on February 17 (Part 1) and 24 (Part 2), 2-6 pm CET. In part 2, I will first talk about...